Welcome to Mrs. McCarville's Webpage
My name is Mrs. Allison McCarville and this school year I will be teaching English 2, English 3, and Oral Communications at IKM-Manning High School.
Use the buttons on the top of the page to navigate this site. If you miss class, please check the lesson plans link to see what we did in class. If you are looking for specific documents for a class, locate the link for the class to find the information you may be looking for.
Use the buttons on the top of the page to navigate this site. If you miss class, please check the lesson plans link to see what we did in class. If you are looking for specific documents for a class, locate the link for the class to find the information you may be looking for.
Grading Scale:
The grading scale for this class will be the universal grading scale for IKM-Manning High School.
A: 94-100 A-: 92-93
B+: 90-91 B: 84-89 B-: 82-83
C+: 80-81 C: 74-79 C-: 72-73
D+: 70-71 D: 64-69 D-: 62-63
F: <62
The grading scale for this class will be the universal grading scale for IKM-Manning High School.
A: 94-100 A-: 92-93
B+: 90-91 B: 84-89 B-: 82-83
C+: 80-81 C: 74-79 C-: 72-73
D+: 70-71 D: 64-69 D-: 62-63
F: <62
Daily Schedule:
1st (8:15-9:01 a.m.) English 3
2nd (9:04-9:48 a.m.) Oral Communications
3rd (9:51-10:35 a.m.) English 2
4th (10:38-11:22 a.m.) English 3
Seminar (11:25-11:50 a.m) Freshmen students
Lunch (11:50-12:16 p.m.)
5th (12:19-1:03 p.m.) English 2
6th (1:06-1:51 p.m.) English 3
7th (1:54-2:38 p.m.) Prep
8th (2:41-3:25 p.m.) English 2
1st (8:15-9:01 a.m.) English 3
2nd (9:04-9:48 a.m.) Oral Communications
3rd (9:51-10:35 a.m.) English 2
4th (10:38-11:22 a.m.) English 3
Seminar (11:25-11:50 a.m) Freshmen students
Lunch (11:50-12:16 p.m.)
5th (12:19-1:03 p.m.) English 2
6th (1:06-1:51 p.m.) English 3
7th (1:54-2:38 p.m.) Prep
8th (2:41-3:25 p.m.) English 2